Make Your Dreams Become Your Reality
Motivational speaker and author, Bill DeBarba
Understanding the 3 pillars that support our life.

Thoughts are considered by many to be the foundation of all self-growth. There are thousands of books and millions of words written on the subject. But thoughts – while very important – are of the most value as one piece of the process that defines who you are. The Process of Living shows you how your thoughts have their maximum effectiveness when they are working as part of your team.


Feelings are your foundation. Of these three elements, feelings provide the most reliable and honest feedback of what you really want in life. Through all the elements of your Process, monitoring your true feelings about your goals is the only way that will bring you to your desired destination. The Process of Living explains the power of feelings and means by which you can effectively stay in touch with what matters most.


Taking action is a critical part of defining who you are. By confidently taking carefully planned action toward your goals, you can begin moving your dreams to reality. When your actions are taken in true constancy with what you really feel, you create miracles. Learn the importance of formulating a plan of action, as well as stepping back to insure that the feelings generated by your actions are consistent with your goals.

How it Works. How to use it.
The Process of Living as described in this book represents the method that defines who we present ourselves to be—to ourselves and to others. It also provides all the tools we need to change our lives however we wish. The Process consists of three simple parts: Thoughts, Feelings, and Actions. These components, and how they interact with each other, define our life on this earth. It really is that simple.