About Bill

Bill DeBarba is a four-decade entrepreneur. He began the classic back- bedroom-office business, developing custom software for local companies. His company, BusinessWare Services, Inc. (BWSI), grew until he had a staff developing products and providing services to a base of loyal customers around the country.
In his 40 years of ownership and management, he achieved a great deal of success. One measure of that success is the fact that never in 40 years did any customers resort to legal action to resolve issues. He learned how to recognize problems from the other’s point of view. And by engaging them in The Process of acknowledging thoughts, understanding feelings, and taking the actions directed to responding to these issues, he helped solve the problem and retain the customer.
Bill is an accomplished public speaker with years of experience. His knowledge in business and other types of organizations offers the benefit of being able to focus on your objectives. If you would like to learn more, please contact him at bill@theprocessofliving.com
Articles and Audio
Click HERE to Listen to Bill’s interview on Spotify with Michael Lee Brown.
Listen to Bill’s interview with Pat Rullo on SpeakUpTalkRadio.com by clicking the play button below.